Project Main Street
Rebuilding the roadway and improving pedestrian amenities from River to 6th Street, in partnership with Ketchum Urban Renewal Agency and Idaho Transportation Department
Work in 2024 is done.
Construction is complete between River and 4th Street and no more work will take place in 2024. Construction will begin in spring of 2025 to rebuild the roadway and improve sidewalks between 4th and 10th Street.
(Updated 10-24-24)
(Updated 10-24-2024)
Future construction phases:
- April to July 2025: Construction from 4th Street to 6th Street
- September through mid-October 2025: Construction from 6th Street to 10th Street
(Updated 10-24-2024)
Traffic will no longer need to use the detour route as soon as the Idaho Transportation Department completes utility work on Trail Creek Bridge south of town. Parking will remain free at the Washington Avenue lot throughout the winter. Buses will continue to use the Second Avenue detour route until all Main Street construction is completed in 2025 (click here for information).

The phases outlined below are intended to give a general idea of construction plans. Slight shifts to these plans may occur throughout construction.

Phase 1 (complete)
April 1 to early May 2024 (complete)
2nd Street-4th Street
- April 3-30: Roadway closures for utility and infrastructure work
- April 19-May 2: Intermittent sidewalk closures (2nd to Sun Valley Road only) for demolition and infrastructure
Phase 2 (complete)
May 1 to early August 2024 (updated July 25, 2024)
2nd Street-4th Street
- May 1-late July: Roadway closures for demolition, foundation, and paving
- May 3-early August: Intermittent sidewalk closures for demolition, infrastructure, and paver installation

Note: Idaho Power will install a redundant power line during Phase 2 of Main Street construction that requires the following closures.
- April 29-May 24: Main Street between River and 2nd Street and 2nd Street from Main Street to Leadville
- May 25-June 9: 2nd Street from Leadville to East Avenue
- June 10-14: 2nd Street from East Avenue to Alpine Lane
- June 15-21: 2nd Street from East to Walnut Avenue
- June 24-July 3: 2nd Street from Walnut to Spruce Avenue
- July 8-26: 2nd Street from Walnut to Spruce Avenue and Spruce Avenue from 2nd to Sun Valley Road

Phase 3 (complete)
Late July to early October 2024 (updated July 25, 2024)
River Street-2nd Street
- Late July-mid September: Roadway closures for demolition, foundation, and paving
- Early August-early October: Intermittent sidewalk closures for demolition and paver installation
Phase 4
April to July 2025 (updated October 24, 2024)
4th Street-6th Street
- Roadway closures for demolition, foundation, and paving
- Intermittent sidewalk closures for demolition, infrastructure, and paver installation

Phase 5
September through mid-October 2025 (updated October 20, 2024)
6th Street-10th Street
- Roadway closures for demolition, foundation, and paving
- Intermittent sidewalk closures for demolition, infrastructure, and paver installation
All Ketchum businesses are open throughout the project—be sure to stop by and show your support! Pedestrian access is open; signs are placed on site to show how best to access businesses. Updates regarding access will be shared regularly on this website and via social media, text messages, and emails (see the subscription options at the top of the page).
Businesses and the public are encouraged to stay informed and sign up for these alerts. They can also help support each other by downloading and using the campaign logos, text, and collateral in this section to use in your own communications. It is vital that residents and visitors stay informed of what is going on and know that Ketchum is open for business throughout construction—our economy depends on it! Thanks for helping get the word out!
Print materials
Ketchum will be rebuilding the roadway and improving pedestrian amenities from River through 6th Street, in partnership with Ketchum Urban Renewal Agency and Idaho Transportation Department.
Project goals
- Rebuild the roadway
- Improve travel efficiency during peak travel times
- Reconfigure Sun Valley Road intersection by adding designated left turn lanes on Main Street
- Upgrade traffic signals to decrease unused “green” time
- Synchronize traffic lights for better traffic flow
- Improve ADA/pedestrian realm and safety at crosswalks
- Install bulbouts to decrease pedestrian crossing distance at corners
- Install raised intersection at Sun Valley Road for ADA accessibility and better view of pedestrians
- Address the issue of “no left turns” in Ketchum
Frequently Asked Questions:
Images of construction plans coming soon…