Fire Consolidation
Creating a Ketchum Fire District for valley-wide fire and EMS consolidation
Learn the facts about fire consolidation
Learn the facts about fire consolidation before casting your vote this November on whether to create the Ketchum Fire District and initiate steps toward valley-wide fire/EMS consolidation. Three Open House and Q&A sessions about consolidation—its purpose, benefits, and tradeoffs—will take place this month at the Ketchum Fire Station (107 Saddle Rd.). Food and drinks provided.
Open Houses and Q&As at the Ketchum Fire Station
- THURSDAY, OCT. 24 | Noon
8 AM: Free pancake breakfast and equipment demonstrations
10 AM: Fire consolidation presentation
Emergencies know no boundaries.
Emergencies know no boundaries. Currently, not all fire and emergency medical service (EMS) needs are being met in the Wood River Valley. The same level of emergency service is not maintained throughout the county. Incident responses are compromised when multiple emergencies occur. And more preventative measures to protect communities from catastrophic events, such as wildfires, are not taking place. Independent studies that have been conducted conclude that countywide fire and EMS consolidation will help resolve this. Ketchum voters will decide on initiating consolidation steps during this November’s election by choosing whether or not to create the new Ketchum Fire District.
2024 Key Voter Dates
OCT. 11
Preregistration deadline
OCT. 21-NOV. 1
Early voting
OCT. 25
Absentee ballot request deadline
NOV. 5
Election day
Ballot Language
“Should a fire district be formed to be called the Ketchum Fire District, comprised of the current city limits of Ketchum, with the intent to consolidate the fire departments of the Wood River Valley?”
Ketchum Fire District will replace Ketchum Fire Department services, consolidation with other regional fire/EMS services will begin, and the new fire district will serve all areas participating in consolidation.
Fire and EMS services in Ketchum will remain the same.
Content paid for and provided by the City of Ketchum for educational purposes